- IICCI is a platform for interaction between members and concerning Government officials.
- It offers an opportunity to its members to address their problems and grievances to concerning Government departments.
- The members will get an exposure to Multilateral & bilateral trade agreement, foreign market trends and policies, international price index etc.
- The Chamber will update the members about trade inquiries it shall be receiving from overseas .
- Trade delegations will be sponsored for visiting and every effort will be made to get the same to be subsidized by foreign Embassies.
- International Trade fairs, Seminars, workshops, events, exhibition / conference and management talks on EXIM policy, One to One negotiations, buyers and sellers meet.
- Representations to the Government organizations can be made through the Chamber.
- The top organization of Indian Industry like FICCI, CII, ASSOCHAM, INDIAN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE, FIEO, PHD Chamber of Commerce shall be constantly inviting our members to participate in buyer / seller meets. Members will be kept posted on such meets and they can attend the same.